Strategic Planning To Control Halal Risk in Indonesian Beef Supply Chain


Abstract: The need of halal foods get inflating in line with society religiosity awareness, but to produce halal meat gets many critical points, especially in abattoir process. The research aims to plan actions to control probability of halal risk. In the light of literature review, depth interview, and FGD with halal auditors during July-November 2015, the research identified qualitatively probable event and agent of halal risk and proposed action to control the halal risk. Based on severity event and occurrence agent of halal risk, and its impact to the coming of halal risk in Likert scale, the research revealed the need to control eleven agents of halal risk. Following house of risk frame analysis, the research proved five actions plan that should be prioritized.

Keyword: Event of halal risk, agent of halal risk, and action plan to control the halal risk

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