
Paper presentation at Pajajaran University, Bandung in seminar and workshop conducted by Communication Forum for Indonesian Agricultural University (CFIAU), 23-24 September 2019. The paper presented was entitled "Determining Priority of Agricultural Extension Planning in the Importance Performance Analysis Approach: The Case of Organic Rice Farming Pre-cultivation Tasikmalaya, West Java. In summary, the paper presented explains that the proper planning in agricultural extension is a necessity. The Importance performance analysis (IPA) approach - which is often used to analyze customer satisfaction - can be used to determine the priority of planning hierarchically in extension program. Starting with the identification of the attributes of organic rice farming in pre-cultivation, then identifying farmers 'perceptions about the importance of these attributes, farmers' performance in their implementation, gaps and conformity between expectations and performance, and finally reach to map organic rice farming attributes presented in a Cartesian diagram is as a hierarchical agricultural extension planning. Based on 107 samples drawn by random and proportional technique, and the size of the sample is determined by Slovon formula with an error probability of 7 percent, there are three attributes of organic rice farming that need to be the main priority in extension, namely: a clear boundary between organic and non-organic land; drying the seeds up to 12-14% moisture content; and seeds planted must be 7-15 days old. These three attributes have a high level of importance, but still in a low performance. Therefore, this attributes should be a prioritized action.

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