One of the questions that often arises is what factors are most effective in bringing a student to maturity, the ability to formulate a vision and future of life, the ability to understand & solve problems, and success at work – whether working independently as an entrepreneur or working at other institutions. The quantitative level of intelligence – such as IQ – and instantaneous test scores are frequently not considered as the main factors for learning success. In the 1980s, Prof. Dr. Ir. Andi Hakim Nasution – then Rector of the Bogor Agricultural University – was not convinced that the results of the selection test for new students were the main predictors for the success of the learning process. Therefore, he initiated the acceptance of new students through the search for interests and abilities – where the track record of learning outcomes during senior high school is the main predictor for the learning success.
Entrepreneur Competency
If the entrepreneurial competence is considered as the success of a learning process, the researcher formulates nine indicators of entrepreneurial competence, which include: (1) The ability to formulate a vision, goals, and plan for the future of life; (2) The ability to appreciate and plan the use of time; (3) The ability to communicate and work in teams; (4) The ability to make decisions and solve problems; (5) The ability to be responsible and bear business risks; (6) The ability to act on the basis of the need for achievement, namely the habit of doing work to the end, enjoying work, and having the desire to try to achieve goals; (7) The ability to act creatively, innovatively and catch business opportunities; (8) The ability to think positively and optimistically with divine awareness; and (9) The ability to build self-confidence, power of thinking and skills.
Then, what factors significantly influence the competency of these entrepreneurs? Through searching the library materials, the researcher identify these factors, which include: talent, interest, clarity of purpose & usefulness of the lesson, learning methods, learning environment, and learning facilities. In addition, researcher predicts that Islamic personality is the main variable that will affect entrepreneurial competence.
By referring to a number of theories and the results of previous studies, researcher formulates the hypothesis that all the mentioned-above-variables will directly affect entrepreneurial competence. In addition, researcher formulated the hypothesis that the influence of Islamic personality on entrepreneurial competence would be further strengthened through these variables.
To prove the influence of these variables on entrepreneurial competence – directly or indirectly – the researcher conducted research on a number of students in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) that carry out entrepreneurial programs, particularly in the field of agribusiness. The pesantren is limited to those located in West Java and Banten. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin Formula with a maximum error probability of 5 percent. Data was collected through structured interviews with Likert scale measurements. The research instrument used was tested for reliability with alpha Cronbach testing criteria, with a total score above 70 percent, which means that the research instrument was feasible to use. To prove the proposed hypothesis, this study uses path analysis, in which it is part of parametric statistical tests
Factors Influence on Entrepreneurial Competence
Based on the path analysis, there is one variable in the learning process that has a very significant effect on entrepreneurial competence, namely the clarity of purpose & usefulness of the lesson. In addition, there are three variables that significantly effect on entrepreneurial competence, namely talent, interest, and learning environment (Table 1).
Table 1. Path coefficients of Direct Effect of Learning Implementation
on Entrepreneurial Competence
Variable |
Sub Variables | Entrepreneurial
Competence (Y) |
Path Coefficient | Significant Level | ||
Learning Implementation |
Talent |
0.262* |
0.020 |
0.234* | 0.026 | |
Clarity of Purpose & Usefulness of Lesson | 0.321** | 0.010 | |
Learning Methods
0.012 | 0.887 | |
Learning Environment
0.155* | 0.042 | |
Learning Facilities
0.127 | 0.079 |
Notes: * = Significant (alfa 0.05),
** = Strongly Significant (alfa 0.01)
Direct and Indirect Effects of Islamic Personality
on Entrepreneurial Competence
Then, to prove the hypothesis about the influence of Islamic personality on entrepreneurial competence, researcher measured the ability of Islamic personality by seven indicators, namely: (1) the belief that Islamic teachings can regulate modern society; (2) the desire to fight for and implement Islamic teachings; (3) the desire to always have Islamic transaction; (4) the desire to always preach the teachings of Islam to other parties; (5) always wearing clothes that cover genitals (aurat) and want their families to always cover genitals; (6) always trying to consume halal food; (7) easy to perform compulsory worship; and (8) accustomed to performing various sunnat worship services.
Based on path analysis, it was proven that the influence of Islamic personality on entrepreneurial competence was strongly significant. This influence is stronger when students have a positive view on learning environment and learning facilities (Table 2).
Table 2. Path Coefficient of Direct, Indirect and Total Effect of Islamic
Personality on Entrepreneurial Competence
The Effect | Entrepreneurial Competence (Y) | ||
Variable/Sub Variables | Path Coefficient | Significant Level | |
Direct |
Islamic Personality |
0.473** |
0.010 |
Indirect Through
Talent | 0.038 | 0.260 |
Interest | -0.011 | 0.749 | |
Clarity of Purpose
& Usefulness of Lesson |
0.047 | 0.154 | |
Perception on Learning Methods | 0.006 | 0.856 | |
Perception on Learning Environment | 0.091** | 0.010 | |
Perception on Learning Facilities | 0.087* | 0.022 | |
Total |
– |
0.742 |
Notes: * = Significant (alfa 0.05),
** = Strongly Significant (alfa 0.01)
In more detail – based on the results of the path analysis – Islamic personality contributed 47.3 percent to entrepreneurial competencies; perceptions of talent 3.8 percent; clarity of purpose & usefulness of lesson 4.7 percent; learning method 0.6 percent; perceptions about the learning environment as much as 9.1 percent; and perception about learning facilities as much as 8.7 percent. The total effect on entrepreneurial competence is 74.2 percent. Thus, there are 25.8 percent of other variables that affect entrepreneurial competence but it has not been detected in this study. These undetectable variables may be the level of intelligence (IQ), family background, capital facilities, or various other variables.
It appears from this research, that the Islamic personality is a determinant factor for entrepreneurial development, which needs to be supported by learning environment and learning facilities. Other variables such as talent, learning methods, as well as clarity of purpose and usefulness of learning are complementary factors for the success of the entrepreneur. It is also clear from this study that IQ, The Pure Test Score (NEM), and other quantitative measures – if any – are not the most decisive factors for learning success. Therefore, the most important thing for the learning process is the formation of an Islamic personality. If the Islamic personality is well formed in the students, the successful of material aspect will easily achieved, insha allah. ****
U.Maman Kh., (2008), “Factors Affecting on Entrepreneurial Competence in Some Pesantrens in West Java and Banten,” Doctoral Dissertation of Post-Graduate Program, Bogor Agricultural University.